Creating a new game

How do I create Audio or video exercises?

You can create your tasks also as audio or video files.

If you use your computer for task creation, you will have to record your exercises with a separate device and add them to the exercise field from your computer files. If you use your mobile or tablet for exercise creation, you can record the task straight with your device and save the exercise.

The supported file formats are

  • Video: webm, mov, mpg, wmv, mp4
  • Audio: mp4, mp3, m4a, caf, amr

If your video or audio is in some other format, you need to convert it into one of the supported formats before adding it to Seppo.

You can also add text, links and pictures to your exercise.
The players can open audio and video files when they are online. Text and pictures will also work offline.

If I’ll use videos, images or audios in my exercises, are there any restrictions on the amount of clips or in sizes of the files?